How memory works. How can we use it to our benefit.

3 min readOct 15, 2020

When we know how the brain memory system work. We can use that to learn in the most effective manner, and be assured that it’s going to work !

Before I tell you the method! Let’s see the anatomy of a neuron. In the gif, you can see the body called Axon covered by Myelin sheet (which is in simple term is an insulator for the electrical signal travelling through the body). Just as in electric conductor, more insulation means less leakage of current (signal), which means stronger signal strength and faster speed with thickening of myelin sheet.

From Soundarya Balasubramani’s blog

Repetition and thickening of Myelin sheet

So, how can we thicken our myelin sheet. The answer is repetition. As we repeat an activity days and days (ex. practicing to play Piano), then the signal to neuron which fires during the activity gets faster due to myelination (formation of myelin sheet). In the gif below, we can see for the ticker myelin sheeted neuron the signal is stronger and faster. This allows us to perform the task with ease. Similarly, the more you revise certain study material, the easier it will be for you to recover that information.

“Practice to master any skills you desire.”

Sleep and formation of long-term memory

We have heard of REM sleep cycle. Also, there is another cycle called non-REM cycle, it is divided into 3 stages. One of which is SWS (Slow wave sleep) cycle. During slow wave sleep cycle there is a moment of encoded memory (from the day prior) from the Hippocampus to the neocortex (the most advance part of the brain). In neocortex, some of this information gets stored for the long term, during this process. It is as if watching the movie (In neocortex) from a CD (Hippocampus) of the day prior, which reinforce the information stored.

That is why proper sleep is very essential as during SWS cycle, we form long term memories. Hence, with repetition and proper sleep, we can efficiently store the information that we learn.

Side note: That is why I found it so difficult to remember what I studied when I pulled all-nighter, and easier when I had cosy sleep.

To summarize we have the famous saying: “Neuron that fire together, wire together”

Courtesy: Google Images

Now that you know, you can see that the same principles, which can make us maestro in any field, can also have detrimental effect when we indulge in bad habits.

P.S.: Always remember your brain is plastic, which means it can change, so you can literally be the master of any arts if you practice relentlessly. Therefore, remember healthy habits can go a long way to building a resilient brain!!

P.S.S.: Thank you reading till the end! Do stick around for more such articles. As I am doing a daily writing challenge. So, hacks and important information everyday: D

P.S.S.S.: (Fun fact) According to research, there is direct correlation between myelin content and practice.




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