Are you struggling to get started? Why do we loss motivation? The secret to motivation!!

5 min readOct 14, 2020

With time and experimenting, I realize that if we have to make change in our lives, we have to start first by making good habits and in-long term the rest follows. Also, as I have change my mindset about work (more in below), I have began to love the process rather than the results and rewards. Now, let’s see some ways to get started now:


Remember you have a goal, and when we make a promise to ourselves( the same way we do to others) towards our goals, we get obligated to ourselves to make that happen.

One important note: If you need to get something done, not checking your Phone (social media, YouTube, etc) and PC is so crucial, which I can’t emphasis enough (It is because lets say you start your work, then you check your phone, it can throw you off your flow — flow is the state, in which we can work with the least resistance and be the most efficient — even a second of distraction can sometimes create a humongous resistance to start again.

Therefore, Resolve to yourself that till I finish my work I will not check my phone or think or do about any other activity. And, turn-off all your notification except the important one. This article is a proof of concept.


Recently I learned that, what was stopping me from being a badass (extraordinary) was my mind set. My mindset: I want to work at a job in which work hours are less so that I can rest and chill more. I realize now that to be happy we have to work hard, and never look for alternative with lot of time to rest. My realization was that when we work, build, create, solve…then we feel fulfilled, as we are using the limited time we have in this universe.

So, believe me resting and chilling will give you only temporary joy, the true happiness is in working your ass off till you reach your limit, this feeling is the best kind of feeling. You know what, you will reach closer to your dream, you will get things done, you will earn more, appreciate time with your family and friends (and vice-versa). Wasting time, I haven’t found lasting happiness. So, HUSTLE my friends !!!


Just allowing ourselves to see through our thoughts process, understand what speech our subconscious is giving ourselves is important to know the root cause of our being stuck. Now, to do that take a walk, or just lie down or sit, and understand your thoughts and organise them as per your priorities. I have seen that my major cause of procrastination has been due to confusion in my mind as my thoughts are not organized. So, take a walk once in a while and organize your thoughts.


For the same reason above, taking a break by let’s say taking a bath (Its incredibly effective to get instant energy and clarity of thought! I wrote this after taking a nice bath;) Also, talking walk, seeing the beauty of nature really helps ! (Remember sitting hours in your room will only make you less effective with time, to refresh/reset 10–30 min or more is worth it).

Now, believe in yourself !!

What is stopping us most of time is us.

When you believe you can, then you shall!

Now to aid the mindset this is how we can: small wins to reinforce our believes in us. Do small simple task each day without fail, such as making bed daily or bathing daily or meditating or waking early or reading for 5 min as you get up or before sleep, etc. Now as we do these simple tasks each day, we strengthens our believe about ourselves as a disciple and self-control person. This small believes change our mindset about ourselves positively. And, without realizing you will do task much more challenging, due to our stronger faith.

[this article is a proof of this concept, as this year I started small task such as meditation and making my bed; I am able to do disciple myself to do task such as writing and making video which are more challenging].

“when you feel productive, you end up being more productive”-Ruby Ranger(YouTuber)

It’s very essential to have a positive relationship with ourselves. A mature friend who forgives, gives positive feedback and hype us up and doesn’t let us think negatively at all times.

Thank you so much for reading till the end :D I hope to see you again in the next article. Till then, have a wonderful time :D

“Work with integrity and succeed with integrity ”- APJ Abdul Kalam.

P.S.: (Fun thoughts) If you are feeling stressed, you are doing something that need to be changed immediately.

P.S.S: When you aren’t feeling good about something, listen to what kind of self talk you are doing, then change it to positive one. It will lift you up.

(All the pictures are courtesy of google image)




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